Mirror becomes . an ice indicator will display for one minute when the tempera - ture is at or below 37 degrees . this feature cautions you to anticipate road - icing conditions . compass and external temperature readouts also ensure that while you are driving safer you are also driving smarter . we are the third one who grasped the technology after america and japan ; the product has obtained the patent of the country patent no : zl03211670 . 5 ”驾驶智能安全系统,集智能防眩倒车雷达电子罗盘车外温度提示等多项安全功能与一体,多项技术处国内领先地位,其中智能防眩功能的成功开发填补了国内空白,使我国成为继美国之后第二个掌握此项技术的国家